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Introducing CartConvert’s BigCommerce Integration: Maximize Checkout Conversions, Improve Shopper Insights, and Boost Sales

If you're running an eCommerce brand, you're no stranger to the frustration of abandoned checkouts. Every abandoned checkout represents not just a lost sale, but a missed opportunity to build trust and engage with a shopper. In fact, up to 70% of online shoppers abandon their purchases at checkout, resulting in billions of dollars in lost revenue each year.

At CartConvert, we understand your challenges. We know how difficult it can be to keep shoppers on the path to purchase, manage recurring subscriptions, and answer critical questions in real time. That’s why our seamless BigCommerce integration helps you recover lost sales, build shopper trust, and gain invaluable insights.

Seamless Integration: Start Engaging with Your Shoppers Immediately

One of the key barriers to improving eCommerce conversion rates is the perceived difficulty of implementing new tools. With CartConvert, no development efforts are required on your side, meaning you can begin recovering lost checkouts with zero disruption to your existing workflow.

Here’s how easy it is:

  • Install the CartConvert app in just a few clicks.
  • We’ll schedule a call to discuss your challenges and identify key areas of improvement, such as checkout drop-offs, unanswered shopper questions, and subscription churn.
  • The very next day, our team starts engaging with your shoppers, answering their questions, and helping them complete their purchases.

With CartConvert, you can take immediate action to address your biggest pain points - whether it’s reducing your cart abandonment rate or improving your customer retention - with minimal effort.

Recover More Sales with Real Human Interaction

A key reason why checkout conversion rates drop is uncertainty at the final step. Whether it’s confusion about a product feature, concerns about shipping costs, or hesitation over pricing, CartConvert steps in at the moment of decision-making to help customers overcome these hurdles.

Unlike automated chatbots, our live agents engage directly with your shoppers in real time. They answer pressing questions, address concerns, and provide incentives when necessary. This personal touch fosters a level of trust that automated systems can’t replicate, leading to more completed purchases.

Data-Backed Results: Brands using CartConvert typically see a 10-20% increase in checkout recovery rates within the first month of integration.


“CartConvert has been instrumental in engaging shoppers right when they need help the most. Their timely assistance has helped us convert more sales that we would have otherwise lost.”

– Pet supply company


Actionable Shopper Insights 

Cart abandonment isn’t the only challenge we address. Through live, one-on-one conversations, our agents gather qualitative insights that reveal exactly why shoppers hesitate, what information they’re seeking, and what concerns they have about your products.

For example, one CartConvert client discovered that shoppers were unclear about sizing for a popular product, leading to abandoned carts. With this information, the client improved their product descriptions and size charts, leading to an immediate increase in conversions.

These insights allow you to make informed decisions about your marketing, product development, and customer service strategies, ensuring you continually improve the shopper experience. It’s like having a dedicated team of customer researchers engaging with your audience daily.


Solve Subscription and Engagement Challenges

For brands that rely on subscriptions, retaining loyal customers is just as important as acquiring new ones. CartConvert’s team doesn’t just help with checkout recovery—we also help ensure your customers stay engaged and continue renewing their subscriptions.

Our agents can address subscription renewal concerns, answer questions about upcoming products or features, and provide renewal incentives, ensuring your customers feel valued and informed.

Additionally, CartConvert can assist with general customer engagement, whether it’s answering product-related questions, addressing shipping inquiries, or suggesting product bundles to increase cart values.


Beyond Checkout Recovery: Expanding CartConvert’s Impact

CartConvert doesn’t just help you recover lost sales - it offers broader solutions that can transform how your brand engages with shoppers throughout their entire journey. Here are some additional ways CartConvert supports your business:

  • Boost Upsells and Cross-Sells: During live interactions, our agents can recommend complementary products that increase the value of each cart. Whether it’s suggesting a matching accessory or a higher-value alternative, CartConvert helps maximize the revenue potential of each shopper interaction.
  • Deliver Real-Time Customer Service: Instead of letting customers leave your site to search for answers, CartConvert provides real-time support that keeps them engaged. Whether shoppers have questions about shipping, product details, or returns, our agents are there to resolve issues instantly—improving the overall shopping experience and reducing bounce rates.
  • Increase Customer Retention: For subscription-based businesses, retention is key. CartConvert’s team proactively addresses renewal concerns, clarifies product features, and offers incentives to encourage renewals. This personalized approach keeps your customers engaged and helps reduce churn, ensuring long-term loyalty.

CartConvert is more than a tool - it’s your strategic partner. We provide human interaction that builds customer trust, qualitative insights that drive smarter business decisions, and seamless integration that ensures you can act quickly without requiring technical development.

With CartConvert’s BigCommerce integration, you can begin recovering lost sales and uncover actionable shopper insights immediately. The app is simple to install, and our team is ready to start engaging with your shoppers the very next day.

Let’s Talk About Your Growth

We know how frustrating checkout abandonment, subscription churn, and shopper engagement can be. CartConvert is here to solve these challenges and unlock new growth for your brand.

Ready to see how CartConvert can help your business? Schedule a call with us today and let’s discuss how we can recover more sales, improve shopper engagement, and grow your eCommerce business.